You Must Know Your True Value!

Sagar Mathapati
2 min readJan 3, 2021

Let me start with a wonderful story: A father said to his son;

Here is a watch your grandfather gave me. It is more than 200 years old. Before I give it to you, go to the jewelry store in the city. Tell them that I want to sell it, and see how much they offer you.

The son went to the jewelry store, came back to his father, and said; “They offered 1000 because it is so old.”

The father said; “Well, try the pawnshop.”

The son went to the pawnshop, came back to his father, and said; “The pawnshop offered only 500 because it is damaged”

The father asked his son to go to the local museum and show them the watch.

The son quietly questioned his father’s judgment, but still, went to the museum, when he came back he said to his father; “The curator offered 10,00,000 for this very rare piece to be included in their precious antique collection.”

The father responded;

I wanted to show you that the right place will value you in the right way. Don’t find yourself in the wrong place and get angry because you are not valued. Never stay in a place where someone doesn’t see your value or you don’t feel appreciated.

If you don’t know your value, you will always settle for far less than you deserve.

People who don’t know their value settle for less than they are worth. In relationships, profession, job, or friendships. They know they are worth more, but they settle for someone else’s definition of their worth


Don’t let them put a price on you! You set your own price. It’s time to awaken that part of you that demands more value out of life.

Only you know what you are truly capable of.

It’s time to prove once and for all, who you are, what you are made up of, and who you will become!

Determine your value through self-work, self-education & self-evaluation.

The time for change is now! Know your value and never settle for anything less.

Sagar Mathapati



Sagar Mathapati

Investor, writer, Sagar Dayanand Mathapati is an unshakable optimist! Following his investing passion while chasing life’s purpose.