This Is Why You Are Poor

Sagar Mathapati
2 min readNov 28, 2020

Never heard someone advise, start a business, expand slowly, and live a rich and abundant life.

We always heard, look for a well paid secure (Govt) job, get married, & start a family. And this thought of a well paid secure job comes from a place of safety and desperation. which is handed down from generation to generation.

The old and industrial age generation thinking says “become part of the system, fit in. Don’t make waves, if you perfectly follow the system you’ll get your little bit of money at the end of every month to live secure and happy family life”.

We are trained to thought and are culturized to act in certain ways that no longer serve us well in the modern economy. “This kind of thinking will keep you poor”.

Author, Douglas Krugar calls it “wheelbarrow way”.

It’s like the parents get hold of their child, the young son, the young daughter they say ” my son, my daughter you are young and strong you must go out into the world and earn money.

Here’s how you do it pick up your wheelbarrow load it full of bricks and every hour that you push your wheelbarrow you will get money. If you want more money you have to push your wheelbarrow for another hour”.

Now we think like that, “the only way to earn more money is to work for a set number of hours, so let me go and get a 9 to 5 job and be dependent on a boss”.

You work your set numbers of hours per day, you push your wheelbarrow for your set number of hours and horrible things start to happen.

You start to realize that you can’t quite afford the car, you are not quite breaking even with the kids and their education and the credit card bills and the other bills so on.

So what you do?

You go back to the thinking that was handed down to you and you say if I’m not getting enough money what I have to do?. I have to push the second wheelbarrow in the evenings and earn more money.

“This kind of thinking keeps families in generational cycles of poverty”.

As per Douglas Krugar, the one principle that is the most important is ” do not tie your earning to the number of hours you work”.

So long as we think a number of hours equal a number of coins, we are in financial trouble. Because as a human being you only have so many hours in a day.

The wealthy person’s way of breaking out of this idea is: “Raise the value of your work to earn more rupees per hour not work more hours in order to get more rupees”.

Sagar Mathapati



Sagar Mathapati

Investor, writer, Sagar Dayanand Mathapati is an unshakable optimist! Following his investing passion while chasing life’s purpose.